The USPTO sent me a Notice of Allowance.
If you file your application based on intent to use (meaning you're not using your mark yet in real-world commerce, but you plan to soon), then the USPTO will ask you later in the application process to prove that you have started using your mark.
After your application is approved and makes it through the opposition phase, the USPTO will send you a Notice of Allowance. Note that approval of your application is not the same thing as registration. For more on that topic, click here.
The Notice of Allowance is essentially the USPTO's request for proof that you have started using your mark in real-world commerce. If you do not respond by the specified deadline, your application will be abandoned (dead) even though it was already approved. If you respond but the USPTO finds your evidence unacceptable, your application will be refused even though it was already approved.
If you need help figuring out how to respond to a Notice of Allowance, or if you haven't started using your mark and need to get the deadline for response extended, I can guide you through the process, help you understand what kind of proof of use is acceptable to the USPTO, and file the necessary documents for you.
Cost: flat fee that includes both my fees and the USPTO's filing fees, based on total number of applications involved and total number of Classes in each application.
All fees can be paid securely online by credit card or e-check.